
Flow cytometry, immunohistology, and SDS-PAGE Western blot analysis were used to characterize two novel anti-mouse mononuclear phagocyte differentiation antigens defined by monoclonal antibodies. One antibody, Monts-4, recognized an 80-100 kd cell-surface protein expressed on resident macrophages in the peritoneum and stained macrophages in the splenic white pulp and marginal zone, liver, lymph node paracortical regions, Peyers patches, and cortex of the thymus. Monts-4 did not stain blood monocytes or monocyte-derived inflammatory macrophages in the peritoneal cavity. Macrophages that were Monts-4 positive became Monts-4 negative within 24-72 h after culturing in vitro. Monoclonal antibody SK39 recognized a 180 kd cell-surface molecule expressed on inflamed peritoneal monocytes/macrophages and stained macrophages in the splenic red pulp, cortex of the thymus, subcapsule and medullary regions of lymph nodes, and in sites of acute and chronic inflammation. No differences were seen in the expression of these antigens in the immunodeficient SCID versus normal BALB/c mouse. A comparison of the distribution and molecular weights of the Monts-4 and SK39 antigens with other described mononuclear phagocyte-specific antigens, including F4/80 and those defined by the M1/70, ERTR9, MOMA1, MOMA2, and SER4 monoclonal antibodies, shows these to be novel mononuclear phagocyte-specific differentiation antigens.

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