
The muscle metabolism of at-rest patients with varying degrees of postpolio residual paralysis (PPRP) was studied and compared with that of controls using in vivo phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The phosphocreatine (PCr)/inorganic phosphate (Pi) and PCr/adenosine triphosphate ratios were lower in patients than in controls. Reduction in PCr/Pi suggests abnormalities in oxidative phosphorylation. A significant increase was observed in the phosphomonoester/PCr ratio in patients, indicating the accumulation of intermediary compounds of the glycolytic pathway. Furthermore, the phosphodiester/PCr ratio was also significantly increased in patients. In general, the observed changes in metabolite ratios were found to be related to the degree of residual paralysis, suggesting that metabolic changes are secondary to chronic neurogenic processes. These metabolic alterations appear to be the possible cause of energy deficit and underlying muscle fatigue in PPRP patients. The present results provide an insight into the metabolic impairment and degree of muscle damage in patients with PPRP.

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