
In vitro propagation of Tilia platyphyllos Scop. has been achieved by axillary shoot proliferation and somatic embryo-<br />genesis. The influence of tree age, explant source, genotype, and phytohormones on micropropagation of juvenile and mature trees of Tilia platyphyllos has been investigated. Nodal segments and shoot tips were used as initial explants for axillary shoot proliferation. Low concentration of cytokinin (BA, BPA, TDZ) plus auxin (IBA) stimulated fast shoot multiplication. Microshoots<br />excised from proliferating cultures were rooted on low salt medium and produced trees were planted in the field. Embryo-<br />genic tissues were initiated from zygotic embryos cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D. After transfer of  embryogenic tissues with developing embryoids on media lacking 2,4-D and supplemented with low concetration of IBA, the development of somatic embryos was enhanced. Secondary somatic embryogenesis led to the formation of new adventive somatic embryos. Trees produced from somatic embryos were planted in the field and exhibited normal growth and morphology.

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