
HepG2 hepatocytes and LX-2 HSCs were cultured in mild (MS) and severe (SS) steatogenic conditions. TGF-β stimulation was also tested for HSCs in control (T) and steatogenic conditions (MS-T and SS-T). Steatosis was stained with Oil Red, and the proliferation was assayed via WST-8 reduction, apoptosis via flow cytometry, and senescence via SA-β-galactosidase activity. Regarding hepatocytes, steatosis progressively increased; proliferation was lower in MS and SS; and the viability of both conditions significantly decreased at 72 h. Apoptosis increased in MS at 72 h, while it decreased in SS. Senescence increased in MS and diminished in SS. Regarding HSCs, the SS and SS-T groups showed no proliferation, and the viability was reduced in MS at 72 h and in SS and SS-T. The LX-2 cells showed increased apoptosis in SS and SS-T at 24 h, and in MS and MS-T at 72 h. Senescence decreased in MS, SS, and SS-T. Lipid overload induces differential effects depending on the cell type, the steatogenic input level, and the exposure time. Hepatocytes are resilient to mild steatosis but susceptible to high lipotoxicity. HSCs are sensitive to lipid overload, undergoing apoptosis and lowering senescence and proliferation. Collectively, these data may help explain the development of steatosis and fibrosis in SLD.

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