
Cell-mediated immunity plays a major role in conferring protection against tuberculosis (TB) on an individual. It is not known whether the immune status correlates with the bacterial load or whether the immunity improves after treatment. Also, it may be important to monitor treatment by being able to discriminate between active disease and successfully treated TB. The main aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of a recombinant 32-kDa antigen (r32-kDa Ag) of Mycobacterium bovis BCG (Ag85A-BCG) as a diagnostic marker in patients being treated for TB. Specifically, the in vitro T-cell assays and the release of interleukin-12 (IL-12) (Th1-type cytokine) and IL-10 (Th2-type cytokine) in response to the r32-kDa Ag of BCG were assayed in patients with either pulmonary (sputum positive/negative, n = 74) or extrapulmonary TB (n = 49) and healthy controls. The proliferative responses of stimulated cells at 0, 2 to 4, and 6 months of treatment increased and were highly significant (P < 0.000) compared to the responses in controls. The increase in IL-12 and decrease in IL-10 release suggest that there is cytokine expression modification during different stages of TB, and treatment seems to have an influence on the levels of these cytokines, suggesting an augmentation in the protective responses. The in vitro response to the M. bovis BCG r32-kDa Ag may be useful in monitoring treatment of TB.

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