
Given the current and future costs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to human health and economic productivity, there is an urgent need to develop new antimicrobial compounds. Antimicrobial peptides are a promising alternative to conventional antibiotics and other antimicrobials. Amphibian skin is a rich source of bioactive compounds, but the antibacterial properties of salamander skin peptides have been neglected. Here, we examined the in vitro ability of skin peptides from 9 species of salamander representing 6 salamander families to inhibit the growth of ESKAPE pathogens, which are bacteria that have developed resistance to conventional antibiotics. We also examined whether the skin peptides caused lysis of human red blood cells. Skin peptides from Amphiuma tridactylum had the greatest antimicrobial properties, completely inhibiting the growth of all bacterial strains except for Enterococcus faecium. Likewise, skin peptides from Cryptobranchus alleganiensis completely inhibited the growth of several of the bacterial strains. In contrast, skin peptide mixtures from Ambystoma maculatum, Desmognathus fuscus, Eurycea bislineata, E. longicauda, Necturus beyeri, N. maculosus, and Siren intermedia did not completely inhibit bacterial growth even at the highest concentrations. Finally, none of the skin peptide mixtures caused lysis of human red blood cells. Together, we demonstrate that salamander skin produces peptides with potent antibacterial properties. It remains to elucidate the peptide sequences and their antibacterial mechanisms.

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