
To ascertain the efficacy of different fungicides, the experiments were conducted in a laboratory. Slide germination technique (SGT) was employed to test the fungicides for inhibition of spore germination. Spore suspension of fungus was prepared by adding 10 ml of sterile distilled water to 10 days old well grown fungal slants. The concentration was adjusted to 50 spores per microscopic field at 10 x power of magnification by further dilutions with sterile distilled water. Equal volumes of the given fungicide respectively for each concentration and the spore suspension were thoroughly mixed. One drop of this was placed in sterilized cavity slide. These slides were placed in moist chambers from a pair of petriplates carrying wet blotting paper to maintain adequate humidity and incubated at 25 +_ 10 c for 24 hours. Each treatment was replicated three times for each concentration. In case of control only sterile water was added instead of fungicide. Observations were recorded after 24 hours Germinated and ungerminated spores were counted separately and the per cent spore germination was calculated.

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