
Arylacetamide deacetylase (AADAC) is a deacetylation enzyme present in the mammalian liver, gastrointestinal tract, and brain. During our search for mammalian enzymes capable of metabolizing N-acetylserotonin (NAS), AADAC was identified as having the ability to convert NAS to serotonin. Both human and rodent recombinant AADAC proteins can deacetylate NAS in vitro, although the human AADAC shows markedly higher activity compared with rodent enzyme. The AADAC-mediated deacetylation reaction can be potently inhibited by eserine in vitro. In addition to NAS, recombinant hAADAC can deacetylate melatonin (to form 5-methoxytryptamine) and N-acetyltryptamine (NAT) (to form tryptamine). In addition to the in vitro deacetylation of NAS by the recombinant AADAC proteins, liver (mouse and human) and brain (human) extracts were able to deacetylate NAS; these activities were sensitive to eserine. Taken together, these results demonstrate a new role for AADAC and suggest a novel pathway for the AADAC-mediated metabolism of pineal indoles in mammals.

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