
Normal human term cytotrophoblast cells prepared by trypsin-DNAse I digestion with and without secondary immunological purification with CD9 antibodies were investigated for the expression of morphological and genetic markers of proliferation and differentiation. After 24 h of culture, the cell preparations demonstrated spontaneous formation of microvilli and formation of small syncytial units as assessed by desmoplakin staining and FITC-dextran microinjection. EGF was required for mature syncytial formation. Compared to log-phase proliferating HeLa cells, uptake of [ 3H]thymidine incorporation was low and quickly decreased to negligible levels. Expression of the proto-oncogenes c-myc, c-fos, and c-jun and historic 2A decreased rapidly in the first 24 h of culture in both cell preparations, followed by an increase in expression of c-fos and junB over the next 3 days of culture. Proto-oncogene changes were similar in attached and suspension cells. Spontaneous increases in ahCG, pregnancy-specific β 1-glycoprotein and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3βOHSD) occurred within 1 day in both cell preparations. EGF receptor blocking antibodies did not inhibit minor degrees of spontaneous syncytial formation nor inhibit spontaneous expression of αhCG or 3βOHSD mRNA, but did prevent extensive syncytialization induced by EGF. The results demonstrate that term cytotrophoblast cells even in serum-free conditions or suspension culture rapidly commit to a non-proliferative differentiation program in culture which includes limited syncytialization and marked hormone mRNA expression. However, EGF is required for extensive syncytial development.

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