
In response to global warming issues, the entire world community seeks to decarbonize its energy and economy. One of the ways to reduce concentrated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is to enlarge forest areas and encourage forest regeneration after fires. The given paper describes sterilization methods of primary explants. Studies have shown that 0.1% diacid solution supplemented with Tween 20 is the most effective at producing aseptic viable cultures of triploid aspen (Populus tremula L.) in vitro. This method provides the necessary amount of viable sterile cultures for their subsequent micro-multiplication (clonal), sufficient for the further mass production of planting material. Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) had a more intensive formation of adventive buds compared to the medium with kinetin. Higher BAP concentration resulted in more regenerants from one explant with their height shortened. Woody Plant Medium (WPM) with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine and indolyl-acetic acid (IAA) is more effective for working with triploid aspen. Effective reproduction at triploid aspen cultivation was shown at 0.5 mg/l concentration of BAP. The research results can be successfully used in vitro culture introducing of triploid aspen, experiments on micro-reproduction of other tree crops to get high-quality planting material.

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