
KEYE (1923) in Corner's laboratory observed the behavior of isolatedstrips of sow's uterine muscle at different stages of the cycle suspended in physiological saline solution. His graphs show that during the estrous phase, immediately before ovulation, the motility pattern is characterized by uniform contractions of high amplitude, occurring at intervals of 1 to 2 per minute. Almost at once after rupture of the follicles the spontaneous contractions begin to diminish in amplitude and to occur more frequently. As the organization of the corpus luteum progresses, the motility pattern changes from day to day until day 12 or 13 of the sow's cycle, when the embryos complete their journey through the reproductive canal to their sites of implantation and begin to attach themselves. At this time the motility pattern of the isolated muscle strip is characterized by very frequent spontaneous contractions (4 to 8 per minute) of very slight amplitude, so that the kymographic tracing becomes almost level.

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