
The aqueous extracts of 10 plant species viz. Alangium solviifolium (root), Cestrum nocturnum (leaf), Ranunculus sceleratus (leaf), Ageratum conyzoides (stem), Annona squamosa (leaf), Zingiber officinale (rhizome), Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (fruit), Adhatoda vasica (fruit), Saraca indica (bark), Cannabis sativa (leaf) were assayed in vitro for antifungal activity against Aternarias pp.-the causal organisms of leaf blight of crucifers. The assessment of fungi toxicity was carried out by poisoned food technique on the basis of percent of inhibition in colony diameter of the test fungi Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicicola. The extracts of all plant species were found to be effective against test fungi. Among them, the aqueous extracts of root of Alangium solviifolium showed total inhibition of mycelial growth against both species of Alternaria. The present study was found out a source of biofungicide, so that environmental hazards can be minimized by using these chemicals.

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