
Purpose: We tested the antifungal activity of N,N-phenyl-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole-5-yl-2,4-b-resorcyl-carbothioamide (PTR), of n-3-(1,2,4-dithiazole-5-thione)--resorcylcarbothioamide (DTRTA), of N,N-phenyl-1,2,3,4-thiatriazol-5-yl-2,4-b-resorcyl-carbothioamide (PHARA) against Candida albicans strains in vitro. Materials and methods: We synthesized PTR, DTRTA and PHARA at the Department of Chemistry University of Agriculture in Lublin. We tested the selected three samples with the lowest value of MIC - PTR, DTRTA and PHARA. A reference strain of C. albicans ATCC 10231 and 250 strains of C. albicans isolated from the patients was used. The enzymatic activity of the yeast-like fungi was performed by API ZYM test (bioMériux). Results: The mean MIC C. albicans ATCC 10231 on Sabouraud’s Medium was 12.5 mg/L and YNB Medium and RPMI medium - 6.25 mg/L. The mean MIC C. albicans on Sabouraud’s Medium - exposure to PTR - 19.77 mg/L; exposure to DTRTA -21.06 mg/L, exposure to PHARA - 21.54 mg/L; on YNB Medium - exposure to PTR - 17.79 mg/L; exposure to DTRTA - 16.23 mg/l, exposure to PHARA - 18.92 mg/L and RPMI Medium - exposure to PTR - 12.73 mg/L; exposure to DTRTA -10.93 mg/l, exposure to PHARA - 10.65 mg/L. The reference C. albicans strain ATCC 10231 had 5 enzymes inhibited - after exposure to PTR inhibited the enzymatic activity of 13 enzymes, exposure to DTRTA inhibited the enzymatic activity of 10 enzymes and exposure to PHARA inhibited the enzymatic activity of 13 enzymes. The C. albicans isolates had 3 enzymes inhibited - after exposure to PTR - 5 enzymes was inhibited, exposure to DTRTA - 9 enzymes was inhibited and exposure to PHARA - 4 enzymes was inhibited. Conclusion: The synthesized compounds PTR, DTRA and PHARA exert a moderate antifungal activity against the C. albicans strains in vitro.

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