
The prevalence of natural gastrointestinal nematodes was observed in cattle during the period from June, 2004 to May, 2005 in Sadar upazila of Mymensingh district. The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes was 84.1% (rainy seasons-97%, summer-85.5% and winter seasons-69.8%). The prevalence of strongyles (Haemonchus sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Oesophagostomum sp. and Mecistocirrus sp.), Bunostomum sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris sp. and Capillaria sp. were 63.9%, 26.3%, 21.5%, 17.3% and 24.5%, respectively. Water extracts of 20 indigenous plants(neem, tobacco plant, barbados lilac, betel leaf, pineapple, jute, turmeric, garlic, devil's tree, papaya, lime tree, dodder, white teak, conessi tree, bitter gourd, sweet basil, white verticillia, pomegranate, sage, chaste tree) showed potential in vitro activities against adult parasites. Out of these, 20 plant extracts, 10 plants (neem, tobacco, barbados lilac, betel leaf, pineapple, jute, turmeric, garlic, dodder and bitter gourd) showed 100% efficacy against adult worms, 4 plants (devil's tree, papaya, white verticillia and chaste tree) showed 90-98% and others (lime tree, white teak, conessi tree, sweet basil, pomegranate and sage) showed below 90%. Keywords: Anthelmintic; Gastrointestinal nematodes; In vitro; Prevalence; Medicinal plants DOI: 10.3329/jbau.v7i1.4799 J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 7(1): 57-61, 2009


  • Parasitism is an important limiting factor that responsible for deteriorating the health and productivity of livestock

  • Considering all of these constraints, this work was undertaken with following objectives: i) screening of medicinal plants having in vitro anthelmintic activity, ii) prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle of Sadar Upazila of Mymensingh district

  • The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes was highest in the month of June and July

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Parasitism is an important limiting factor that responsible for deteriorating the health and productivity of livestock. Some serious disadvantages of using those anthelmintics, notably the development of resistance to helminth parasites (Waller and Prichard, 1985) against various anthelmintic compounds and classes, as well as their residues and toxicity problems (Kaemmerer and Butenkotter, 1973) poses hazards to livestock development and public health. For these reasons, interest in the screening of medicinal plants for their anthelmintic activity has remained of great scientific interest despite extensive use of synthetic chemicals in clinical practices (Akhtar et al, 2000). Considering all of these constraints, this work was undertaken with following objectives: i) screening of medicinal plants having in vitro anthelmintic activity, ii) prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle of Sadar Upazila of Mymensingh district

Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
20. Nishinda
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