
A substance which increases the entry of extracellular calcium into arterial smooth muscle may decrease cirrhosis-induced vasodilation. The aim of the present study was to measure the effects of the L-type Ca2+ channel activator, Bay K 8644, on the haemodynamics of rats with cirrhosis. Vascular reactivity to this substance was also investigated. Splanchnic and systemic haemodynamic responses to Bay K 8644 (50 microg/kg) were measured in cirrhotic and normal rats. Contraction induced by 0.1 micromol/L Bay K 8644 was measured in arterial rings (aorta and superior mesenteric artery) from cirrhotic and normal rats. In cirrhotic rats, Bay K 8644 significantly decreased portal pressure (15%) and portal tributary blood flow (24%), significantly increased portal territory vascular resistance (54%) and did not significantly change hepatocollateral vascular resistance. Bay K 8644 significantly increased arterial pressure (7%) and systemic vascular resistance (24%) and did not change the cardiac index. In normal rats, Bay K 8644 significantly increased vascular resistance (150%) in portal, hepatocollateral and systemic territories and significantly decreased the cardiac index (44%). Changes in portal territory, hepatocollateral and systemic vascular resistances were significantly less marked in cirrhotic than in normal rats. In rings from the aorta and superior mesenteric artery, Bay K 8644-induced contraction was significantly lower in cirrhotic than in normal rats. In conclusion, in rats with cirrhosis, Bay K 8644 administration reduced vasodilation in splanchnic and systemic arteries and did not affect hepatocollateral vascular resistance. The Bay K 8644-induced reduction in splanchnic vasodilation caused a decrease in portal hypertension. This study also shows that Bay K 8644-induced vascular contraction was less marked in cirrhotic than in normal rats, in systemic and splanchnic vascular beds.

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