
To screen potential nematophagous fungi candidates for the biological control of parasitic nematodes in livestock, in vitro and in vivo studies of the native isolates of nematophagous fungi against the larvae of trichostrongylides were conducted. The in vitro predatory activity of 16 native nematophagous fungal isolates on the larvae of trichostrongylides in sheep feces was assessed. In the ten isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans, the reduction percentage for the infective larvae (L3) of Trichostrongylus colubriformis ranged from 57.21 to 99.83%, and that of Haemonchus contortus ranged from 62.12 to 99.88%. The analysis of the same assay on five isolates of Arthrobotrys superba and one isolate of A. cookedickinson (Monacrosporium cystosporum) showed comparable results with those for D. flagrans. To determine the excretion time of fungal isolates in feces after oral administration, D. flagrans (SDH035) were studied in vivo in sheep and rabbits. Results showed that the tested fungal isolates existed in sheep feces from 12 to 72 h after fungal treatment, and the fungal excretion in rabbit feces occurred at 4 h, reached a peak at 10 h, and declined gradually 18 h after oral administration. All the native fungal isolates were assessed after passing through the gastrointestinal tract of sheep. Treatment with isolates of D. flagrans significantly reduced the number of developing larvae in the feces, and the efficacies ranged from 55.15 to 98.82%. One out of the five isolates of A. superba and A. cookedickinson (BS002) survived after passing through the gastrointestinal tract, and the L3 reduction rates were 83.79 and 81.33%, respectively. Results of the present study provide information about the in vitro predatory activity of nematophagous fungi from China on the L3 of trichostrongylides and their ability to pass through the gastrointestinal tract before administering them for biocontrol.

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