
AbstractIn this issue of Proteomics you will find the following highlighted articles:Have a heart (mitochondrial) proteomeIs a rose always a rose? How clean is clean? Is a proteome always a proteome? Such deep questions to ponder. Zhang et al. don't just ponder, they attack the last two questions. Taking meticulous care to prepare clean mouse cardiac mitochondria, they identify almost a thousand proteins from the functionally and morphologically validated organelle. Half of the proteins had not been previously identified. Functional clusters include the expected and the “under‐appreciated” – proteolysis, protein folding, apoptosis and redox signaling. A close association with rough ER could not be disrupted without damage to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Immunocytological localization of many of the proteins revealed roles in other sites as well, including ER, cytoplasm, and Golgi. Comparative analysis of published mitochondrial proteomes from different tissues suggests that the proteomes are functionally adapted to their particular milieu. A mitochondrion (heart) is not a mitochondrion (liver).Zhang, J. et al., Proteomics 2008, 8, 1564–1575.Ibuprofen: split personality complicates proteome analysesIbuprofen is one of those two‐fisted drugs that comes in an S form and an R form. The S form of this nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug (NSAID) is the only active one, in this case. Normally sold over the counter for general aches and pains in the US, statistical analysis of its regular users has found it associated with a reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Following up on this lead, Zhang et al. performed proteomic analysis of the effect of the R and S forms and their mixture on neuroblastoma cells. From three replicates, 167 proteins were identified as being quantitatively shifted. A total of 13 were unique. Functionally, they included representatives from metabolic enzymes (5), signaling (6), and cytoskeleton (2). Of interest for the Alzheimer's association was the reduced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), probably linked to levels of peroxiredoxins 2 and 6 in ibuprofen S‐treated cells.Zhang, J. et al., Proteomics 2008, 8, 1595–1607.Not your usual marine bacteriumRhodopirellula baltica is a member of the Planctomycetes phylum. These bacteria exhibit a proteinaceous cell wall, budding cell division, and intracellular compartments. From genome sequencing, it has >7300 ORFs. Analyzing the soluble proteins over the range of pH 3–10 by 2‐D PAGE, using narrow range pH gradient gels, nHPLC‐MS, and 1‐D SDS‐PAGE, Hieu et al. added 709 proteins to the proteins identified previously to bring the total identified to 1267, 17% of the predicted total ORFs. Gel‐free analysis (multiple dimension LC‐MS) yielded 145 proteins not seen in gel‐based methods. Both 1‐D and gel‐free methods were used for identification of cell wall and ribosomal proteins. Ninety three proteins were identified in the cell wall proteome and 13 extracellular proteins. No support was found for the hypothesis that R. baltica fed on sinking dead “marine snow” organisms by secreting proteases.Hieu, C. X. et al., Proteomics 2008, 8, 1608–1623.

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