
Abstract Risk stands at the beginning of creation – this is the first thing you learn by working with Hausvater, immediately followed by another one of his sayings: In theatre there is no I cannot, there is only self-limitation! Maybe exactly between these two „rules” the world named Alexander Hausvater flourishes, and these „rules” have enough strength and generosity to „contaminate” ourselves, the ones who stand beside him. The art that is proposed by the director Alexander Hausvater is of maximum emotional intensity, very bold and his stagings highlight what is happening here and now, in us, in the society, no matter if we reffer to either staging The Decameron or a contemporary script. His theatre performances are sharp, necessary, and especially, fulfill the meaning of theatre, in the way Hausvater sees it - to remove people out of their inertia and to transform them in “ a being that articulates” and that carries within itself the beauty and the decay of the whole world.

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