
Gradstein, S.R. & Á.J. Pérez (2021). In the footsteps of Michel Allioni: Liverworts and hornworts from the surroundings of Gualaquiza (Ecuador). Candollea 76: 41–54. In English, English and Spanish abstracts.The liverwort and hornwort flora of Ecuador is still very incompletely known. We report three species new to Ecuador (Lejeunea rionegrensis Steph., Notothylas javanica (Sande Lac.) Gottsche, Riccia vitalii Jov.-Ast) and 38 new to the province of Morona Santiago based on our fieldwork in the surroundings of Gualaquiza, Morona Santiago, in 2019. The bryophyte flora of this area was explored in the early 20th century by the Italian missionary and naturalist Michel Allioni. A brief eulogy of the life and work of Michel Allioni is presented together with a revision of the species described by Stephani based on Allioni's Ecuadorian collections. Almost all of them are synonyms. Sixteen new synonyms and seven new lectotypifications are proposed.

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