
ABSTRACT This study observed the dynamics of the local communities’ spatial patterns and socio-economic conditions in the Pringapus enclave industrial area, a rural-urban fringe of the Semarang Metropolitan Region (SMR). It applied a quantitative approach through descriptive statistical analyses of a questionnaire for 120 respondents and satellite image analyses using the Geographic Information System (GIS). The results showed that the urbanization was in situ, causing spatial and socio-economic impacts. Despite the worrying indications of declining environmental quality that can threaten sustainable development, the local people benefitted from the urbanization process. Excellent interaction between the local community and migrants was unique to the study area's enclave location, allowing skills to be transferred, which made the locals more resilient to urbanization. In this regard, this study recommends the local government strengthen new community organizations’ role to optimize the mutually beneficial relationship between locals and migrants. HIGHLIGHTS In situ urbanization in enclaved areas causes changes in land use, economic, and social and environmental conditions. In situ urbanization in the case study has caused unusual yet positive interactions between the migrants and the locals. The transfer of knowledge in this enclave area made the locals more resilient to urbanization. The beneficial relationships between the locals and the migrants should be optimized by strengthening the role of community organizations.

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