
To enhance the biodegradation of organic contaminants, approximately 18.5 tonnes of oxidant (calcium nitrate) and 5 tonnes of nutrients were injected into sediments of the Dofasco Boatslip, Hamilton Harbour. In the laboratory 78% and 68% of the oil (TPHs) and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), respectively biodegraded in 197 days. In the 1992 treatment in the Ddofasco Boatslip, biodegradation of organic contaminants varied from 79% for low molecular weight compounds (BTXs), to 25/15 of the 16 priority pollutant PAHs. At first biodegraduation of large molecular weight PAHs resulted in the production of naphthalene (from 280 μg/g to 549 μg/g). In the 1993 treatments, 94% of the naphthalene, and 57% of the TPHs biodegraded. The in situ biotreatment of organic contamination takes time but for some sites the significantly lower cost relative to dredging and confinement makes in situ treatment a viable alternative.

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