
Cassava provides food security for millions of people worldwide. In Cote dIvoire, it is the second most important food crop. The objective of this study is to evaluate the structure and genetic variability of certain qualitative traits in targeted cassava landracesin order to identify the most widespread cassava landraces. Thus, prospecting missions were carried out in different regions of Cote dIvoire to characterize cassavalandraces, from which 180 cassava landrace accessions were characterized using14 morphological markers. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) showed that among the 14 markers, 10 were relevant fordescribing the total variability within accessions. In addition, the Hierarchical Ascending Classification (HAC) grouped the Ivorianlandraces into five homogeneous groups and also revealed that this morphological diversity is not structured according to the landracesgeographical origin. The study highlighted 131 distinct cultivars among the 180 accessions characterized. Moreover, of the 131 distinct cultivars, four were the most widespread. These are the local cultivars: Yace, Six mois, Blêbou and Trogla. Thus, the study has definitively shown that breeders have a wide choice of parents for developing improved cassava cultivars adapted fromthe populations found in Cote dIvoire.

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