
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) has emerged as a major analytical platform for the determination and localization of lipid metabolites directly from tissue sections. Unlike analysis of lipid extracts, where lipid localizations are lost due to homogenization and/ or solvent extraction, MALDI-MSI analysis is capable of revealing spatial localization of metabolites while simultaneously collecting high chemical resolution mass spectra. Important considerations for obtaining high quality MALDI-MS images include tissue preservation, section preparation, MS data collection and data processing. Errors in any of these steps can lead to poor quality metabolite images and increases the chance for metabolite misidentification and/ or incorrect localization. Here, we present detailed methods and recommendations for specimen preparation, MALDI-MS instrument parameters, software analysis platforms for data processing, and practical considerations for each of these steps to ensure acquisition of high-quality chemical and spatial resolution data for reconstructing MALDI-MS images of plant tissues.

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