
Only a small decrease in the number of L3T4 − cells was observed in the Con A-stimulated splenocyte cultures of old mice as compared to young, which cannot account for the threefold decrease in IL-2 production. Northern and dot blot analysis of RNA from splenocytes containing equivalent numbers of L3T4 + cells from young and old mice showed that cells from old mice express less IL-2 mRNA after mitogenic stimulation than cells from young mice. Direct analysis by in situ hybridization of stimulated splenocytes from young and old mice then showed approximately a threefold decrease in the percentage of IL-2 mRNA expressing cells in the spleens of old mice as compared to young (8.7 ± 4.1% old; 28.7 ± 11.7% young). The average level of expression of IL-2 mRNA was not significantly different between cells from young and old mice; however, there were approximately 40% fewer cells expressing an intermediate to high amount of IL-2 mRNA in old mice as compared to young (26.3% vs 41.8%). These data suggest that the decrease in IL-2 production with age is associated primarily with a decrease in the frequency of IL-2 mRNA-expressing cells in old mice, especially in those cells expressing intermediate to high levels of IL-2 mRNA.

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