
AbstractIn situ geologic context mapping based on rover and helicopter observations provides documentation of a nearly continuous record of geology and exposed surface structure over a 120 m‐wide corridor along the traverse of the Mars 2020/Perseverance rover. The results record the geologic context of Mars 2020 campaign sites and sample sites, including the local extent of bedrock outcrops, stratigraphy, attitude, and structure from imaging and rover‐based remote sensing, and outcrop lithology based on in situ proximity science. Mapping identifies a sequence of igneous lithologies including (a) early mafic, possibly intrusive, rocks; (b) pervasively fractured and deeply altered massive bedrock of undetermined protolith; (c) buried and exhumed lava flows with pahoehoe and aa textures; (d) several varieties of regolith; and (e) small impact craters.

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