
The MALDI-LTQ-Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer is a high performance instrument capable of high resolution and accurate mass (HRAM) measurements. The maximum m/z of 4000 precludes the MALDI analysis of proteins without generating multiply charged ions. Herein, we present the study of HRAM laserspray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) with MS/MS and MS imaging capabilities using 2-nitrophloroglucinol (2-NPG) as matrix on a MALDI-LTQ-Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer. The optimized conditions for multiply charged ion production have been determined and applied to tissue profiling and imaging. Biomolecules as large as 15 kDa have been detected with up to five positive charges at 100 K mass resolution (at m/z 400). More importantly, MS/MS and protein identification on multiply charged precursor ions from both standards and tissue samples have been achieved for the first time with an intermediate-pressure source. The initial results reported in this study highlight potential utilities of laserspray ionization MS analysis for simultaneous in situ protein identification, visualization, and characterization from complex tissue samples on a commercially available HRAM MALDI MS system.

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