
In the present study, in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was used for the first time to study the competitive adsorption of phosphate and arsenate on ferrihydrite. Deuterium oxide was used as solvent to facilitate the interpretations of recorded infrared spectra. It was found that arsenate and phosphate adsorbed more strongly at lower pD-values, showing similarities in the adsorption behavior as a function of pD. However, arsenate complexes were found to be more strongly adsorbed than phosphate complexes in the pD range studied. About five times higher concentration of phosphate in solution was needed to reduce the absorbance due to pre-adsorbed arsenate to the same relative level as for pre-adsorbed phosphate, which was desorbed using a solution containing equal (molar) concentrations in arsenate and phosphate. At pD 4, two phosphate complexes were adsorbed on the iron oxide, one deuterated and one de-deuterated. When phosphate was pre-adsorbed and arsenate subsequently added to the system, the deuterated phosphate complex desorbed rapidly while the de-deuterated phosphate complex was quite stable. At pD 8.5, only the de-deuterated phosphate complex was adsorbed on the iron oxide. Moreover, the arsenate adsorbed was also predominantly de-deuterated as opposite to the arsenate adsorbed at pD 4. During the substitution experiments the configuration of these complexes on the iron oxide surface did not change. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this difference in stability of the different phosphate complexes is reported and shows the power of employing in situ spectroscopy for this kind of studies.

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