
AbstractAcoustic measurements at 1.5–5 kHz on fish in the Gulf of Maine showed a swimbladder-resonance peak near 2.5 kHz at 160–190-m depth. Midwater trawls confirmed that the fish were likely to be Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) of 19–29 cm length. Calculation using a model of swimbladder resonance gives swimbladder volumes of 1.2% of fish weight at 160–190 m. Extrapolation of this volume of gas using Boyle's Law suggests that at the sea surface, these herring would need to inflate their swimbladders by up to five to six times the volume required for neutral buoyancy. If these fish were to maintain this volume of gas with surface “gulping”, they would need to submerge from the sea surface with a 30% excess buoyancy. In general, swimbladders of the Clupeidae may have greater volumes of gas than if the fish were neutrally buoyant at the sea surface and the interpretation of HF-echosounder surveys may be additionally complex when the volume of gas and swimbladder volume are difficult to predict. Mechanisms of how herring obtain additional swimbladder gas are discussed.

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