
The rapid spread of acquired metallo-beta-lactamases (MBLs) among gram negative pathogens is becoming a global concern. Improper use of broad-spectrum antibiotics can trigger the colonization and spread of resistant strains which lead to increased mortality and significant economic loss. In the present study, diverse immunoinformatic approaches are applied to design a potential epitope-based vaccine against VIM and IMP MBLs. The amino acid sequences of VIM and IMP variants were retrieved from the GenBank database. ABCpred and BCPred online Web servers were used to analyze linear B cell epitopes, while IEDB was used to determine the dominant T cell epitopes. Sequence validation, allergenicity, toxicity and physiochemical analysis were performed using web servers. Seven sequences were identified for linear B cell dominant epitopes and 4 sequences were considered as dominant CD4+ T cell epitopes, and the predicted epitopes were joined by KK and GPGPG linkers. Stabilized multi-epitope protein structure was obtained using molecular dynamics simulation. Molecular docking showed that the designed vaccine exhibited sustainable and strong binding interactions with Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Finally, codon adaptation and in silico cloning studies were performed to design an effective vaccine production strategy. Immune simulation significantly provided high levels of immunoglobulins, T helper cells, T-cytotoxic cells and INF-γ. Even though the introduced vaccine candidate demonstrates a very potent immunogenic potential, but wet-lab validation is required to further assessment of the effectiveness of this proposed vaccine candidate.

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