
Abstract: In front of more and more uncertain and fast-changing environment, modern management science with ground roots on Western reductionism philosophy is tending to be not applicable in many cases. Through the lens of holistic perspective from Chinese philosophical intelligence, the Confucian concept of harmony was introduced and compared with the Chinese pronunciation of harmony, He-Xie to help find the way to effective organizational management. The proposed He-Xie Management Theory (HXM) contains constructivism and evolutionary perspectives, adopting “design and optimizing” and “inducement evolution” mechanisms respectively, provides a pragmatic methodology and tool kits to both scholars and practitioners for cope with fast-changing and complex uncertain world by integrating traditional Chinese philosophical intelligence and modern scientific knowledge and techniques on problem-solving. This indigenous approach is supposed to offer a holistic intelligence towards bridging the current gap between micro and macro domains in management field. Key words: harmony; uncertainty; complexity; He-Xie Management Theory

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