
Atrilogy of ambitious White Papers, the implementation of the Culyer Report (Department of Health (DoH) 1994) and the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE96) are providing a complex environment for all those associated with primary and community care. In response to the Culyer Report, both acute and community NHS trusts are forming research and development departments charged with maximising research income. Clinical and academic alliances are being forged throughout the country to take advantage of the funding opportunities, but the most successful will be those that received high ratings in RAE96. Primary Care: The Future – Choice and Opportunity (DoH 1996a) has set the agenda for the foreseeable future with its central proposal to deregulate general practice, but the established organisations will be the ones most favoured to undertake the extensive research and development opportunities that will arise through these DoH initiatives. Innovations in patient care must be supported by published evidence that can contribute to RAE2000 if organisations are to prosper.

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