
Abstract : Current U.S. military force structure is not optimally structured at present to meet peace operations requirements, and presents a variety of options, which the United States could pursue to address future peace operations. The paper makes the assumptions that the United States will be actively engaged in Peace Operations for the foreseeable future, will remain committed to its two Major Theater War (MTW) strategy, and is unlikely to increase overall force structure in the near-term. Of the seven alternatives presented in the paper, three represent options that could be pursued exclusively within the Department of Defense (DOD) to meet the entire range of peace operations. A fourth alternative presents a DOD option that would address lower level peace operations only, such as humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping. Two more alternatives provide more dynamic approaches involving the Department of State and the United Nations, again to meet the lower level spectrum of peace operations. A final alternative offered is a U.S. policy alternative which could be used in conjunction with some of the other alternatives, and specifically addresses U.S. support for peacekeeping missions, but one which has a direct impact on the structuring and employment of U.S. military forces. The United States is clearly at a crossroads in transforming its military to meet the security challenges of the 21st century. The U.S. must position itself to respond effectively to these missions where interests are at stake through redefining policy, restructuring the force, and/or leading the changes within international or regional security organizations to meet these challenges. The alternatives presented attempt to outline a wide spectrum of options; some requiring little change, others requiring sweeping change; in order to stimulate the discussion. It is somewhere between these alternatives that the U.S. will need to define its approach to future peace operations.

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