
Objective: According to recent data of Russian epidemiological studies and screening campaigns hypertension control and statins use in primary prevention is still poor. The aim of our study was assess of aspirin and statin use comparing with antihypertensive medication in Russian residents in terms of MMM19. Design and method: An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged 18 years from 21 Russian Regions (n = 5274) was performed in terms of international campaign MMM19. 1,834 of the residents were men (34.8%). 49.2% of the respondents were younger than 25 years, therefore, considering significant differences in age, further analysis of the data was performed among participants over 25 years (n = 2681). The questionnaire was being completed on presence of diabetes mellitus, history of cardiovascular complications, smoking and alcohol intake. Information regarding intake and omission of antihypertensive medication, aspirin, statins were clarified. Blood pressure (BP) was measured three times with automated and manual sphygmomanometers and mean value was calculated. Results: Only 73.6% hypertensive patients take antihypertensive therapy and 44.8% of them achieved target BP of less than 140/90 mm Hg. Data regarding statins and aspirin intake in participants with hypertension and diabetes is presented in table. Conclusions: Despite insufficient hypertension control and current guideline positions against aspirin prescribing for primary prevention – 42,7% of hypertensives take aspirin. Only half of the patients having diabetes with automatically indicated high or very high risk are taking statins. Independently of diabetes presence patients are more likely to take aspirin comparing with statins. It is remarkably that 18,3% of hypertensives prefer aspirin than antihypertensive medication.

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