
Abstract. The planned and potential introduction in global satellite observing systems of conically scanning Ka- and W-band atmospheric radars (e.g., the radars in the Tomorrow.IO constellation, https://www.tomorrow.io/space/, last access: 1 June 2022, and the Wivern (WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope) radar, https://www.wivern.polito.it, last access: 1 July 2022) calls for the development of methodologies for calibrating and cross-calibrating these systems. Traditional calibration techniques pointing at the sea surface at about 11∘ incidence angle are in fact unfeasible for such fast rotating systems. This study proposes a cross-calibration method for conically scanning spaceborne radars based on ice cloud reflectivity probability distribution functions (PDFs) provided by reference radars like the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Ka-band radar or the W-band radars planned for the ESA-JAXA EarthCARE or for the NASA Atmosphere Observing System missions. In order to establish the accuracy of the methodology, radar antenna boresight positions are propagated based on four configurations of expected satellite orbits so that the ground-track intersections can be calculated for different intersection criteria, defined by cross-over instrument footprints within a certain time and a given distance. The climatology of the calibrating clouds, derived from the W-band CloudSat and Ka-band GPM reflectivity records, can be used to compute the number and the spatial distribution of calibration points. Finally, the mean number of days required to achieve a given calibration accuracy is computed based on the number of calibration points needed to distinguish a biased reflectivity PDF from the sampling-induced noisiness of the reflectivity PDF itself. Findings demonstrate that it will be possible to cross-calibrate, within 1 dB, a Ka-band (W-band) conically scanning radar like that envisaged for the Tomorrow.io constellation (Wivern mission) every few days (a week). Such uncertainties are generally meeting the mission requirements and the standards currently achieved with absolute calibration accuracies.

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