
On November 13, 1994, science suffered a heavy loss - an outstanding Russian scientist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, the founder of a number of original directions in world neuroendocrinology Evgeny Vladimirovich Naumenko prematurely passed away. In the 60s, the scientific interests of E.V. Naumenko were focused on studying the role of biogenic brain amines in the neurochemical regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system. In particular, he proved for the first time that one of the final hypothalamic neural pathways stimulating the synthesis and secretion of corticoliberin is serotonergic in nature. The results of these widely known studies at home and abroad brought well-deserved fame to a neuroendocrinologist from Siberia. In the last 20 years, the main work of E.V. Naumenko concerned the study of genetic evolutionary and ontogenetic aspects of stress, the role of neuroendocrine mechanisms in animal domestication processes, the role of neurochemical brain mechanisms in the dominant behavior of individuals in micropopulations, and the study of a new model of hereditary arterial hypertension. Professor E.V. Naumenko has published over 300 works, including more than a dozen major monographic publications published at home and abroad. These publications are widely known among specialists, they have made a significant contribution to the development of neuroendocrinology and brought well-deserved recognition to their author.

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