
Professor Masakazu Seino passed away on March 7, 2007. He was born in Hokkaido, in the northern part of Japan, on July 25, 1930. He graduated from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in 1954. After graduation he moved to Tokyo First National Hospital. For 7 years (1954 to 1961) he trained himself as a neuropsychiatrist. He then went to Canada as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Neurological Research, University of British Columbia (Prof. Juhn A. Wada, Director). In 1963 he came back to Japan and moved to the National Musashi Institute for Mental & Nervous Disease in order to establish a ward for patients with epilepsy. During the next 12 years he completed three important works. First was the foundation of an association for people with epilepsy, which became the Japan Epilepsy Association in 1976; second was the introduction of serum level monitoring of antiepileptic drugs; and third was the introduction of the video-EEG monitoring method to analyze epileptic seizures. The latter two methods are now used for the classification and treatment of seizures throughout Japan. In 1975, Dr. Seino moved to Shizuoka with Prof. Toyoji Wada in order to build a national epilepsy center for comprehensive care, and then served as the medical director of the center at the request of the Japanese Ministry of Welfare. He worked diligently as the medical director and director-general until 1996, and then as honorary president at the Epilepsy Center in Shizuoka, Japan. Dr. Seino wrote 71 articles and chapters as first author, and coauthored 141 articles and chapters. He was a board member of the Japanese Epilepsy Research Group from 1967 to 1981, and secretary general from 1973 to 1981. Since 1981 he served as a board member of the Japan Epilepsy Society. In 1989 he was elected president of the Japan Epilepsy Society (1989–1997). At the International Epilepsy Congress in Kyoto, 1981, Dr. Seino played a major role as secretary general. He was elected vice president of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) (1981–1989), and served as treasurer from 1989 until 1993. He was a member of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology (1981–2006), was chairman of the Rules Commission (1983–1985), the Commission on Nomination (1985–1989), and a member of the Commission on Constitutional Affairs (1993–2006). After retirement from the Japan National Epilepsy Center, Dr. Seino devoted himself to the Asia–Oceania Epilepsy Organization and to teaching courses on epileptology. His goal was to encourage treatment for people with epilepsy in Asian–Oceanian countries that was equivalent to the treatment received by epilepsy patients in European countries. Toward that goal, Dr. Seino organized the Commission on Asia-Oceania Affairs, and included the Asian Epilepsy Academy under the umbrella of the ILAE. His ideas are now being realized in the Asian-Oceanian countries, and his dreams will come true in the future. Professor Masakazu Seino A thousand winds blow the mountain cherry blossom loved by Dr. Seino. A cherry blossom petal flies to our heart. Masakazu Seino didn't pass away; he lives in our hearts forever.

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