
Marion Anne Jenkinson was born in Lancaster, Ohio, on 10 April 1937, daughter of Bryan and Thelma Cox Jenkinson, and died accidentally on 7 July 1994 in her home in Lawrence, Kansas. Survivors include an adopted daughter, Tracy Lynn Kester; her mother, Thelma; two sisters, Nancy Corbally and Rebecca Dusek; a brother, Bill Jenkinson; and two grandchildren, Rick and Heather Kester. She was predeceased by her husband, Robert M. Mengel, whom she married on 21 December 1963. They worked closely together in many ornithological pursuits until Robert's death on 15 January 1990 (see Tordoff 1991). Marion grew up in London, Ohio, and earned a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in 1954 from Otterbein College, Westerville, Ohio. After teaching high school biology for two years in Mifflin, Ohio, she entered graduate school to study omithology at University of Kansas, receiving a Master of Arts in Zoology in 1963. Marion was appointed as an Adjunct Curator of Ornithology in Museum of Natural History at University of Kansas in 1968. For rest of her life, she worked extensively with avian collections in museum. She organized collections, oversaw their computerization, and was a major contributor to successful seeking of grant support for them. In particular, she worked to develop already world-class avian skeletal collection, significantly adding to numbers of specimens and species represented. Marion joined AOU in 1960, became an Elective Member in 1977, a Fellow in 1987, and an Elective Councilor in 1983 and 1993. She worked tirelessly for AOU. She served as Treasurer and as Chair of Finance Committee from 1985 to 1993, instituting major modifications that helped place AOU on a firm financial and business footing; Marion was one to carefully study and research what needed to be done-and then to take action. She was an original and active AOU representative on management committee of Birds of North America project. Marion also contributed countless hours to The Auk during Robert Mengel's tenure as Editor (she was designated as an Associate Editor in 1966-1967), as well as during his time as Editor of Ornithological Monographs in early 1970s (Marion was Special Editor for monograph no. 12). She had an eye for detail, but also for untangling and simplifying convoluted phrases and sentences in such a way that helped authors present their ideas with greater clarity. Robert was quoted as saying that Marion was the best editor I have ever (Tordoff 1991). Marion was a member of AOU Collections Committee from 1975 through 1985, serving as its chair for last six years. She was effective in mobilizing many of us to become actively involved in survey projects of world collections and was successful in obtaining National Science Foundation support for an international survey of avian anatomical specimens. Marion's dedication to AOU was acknowledged by Council in 1996 when it established Marion Jenkinson AOU Service Award. The award is given in recognition of individuals who have performed continued extensive service to AOU, including holding elected office, but emphasizing volunteered contributions and committee participation. One project to which Marion was particularly devoted was Latin American Library Enhancement Project, which provided library resources to 100 universities in Latin America. She was a founder and codirector with Mercedes S. Foster of that endeavor sponsored by Council of Biology Editors and supported by Allen Press, as well as numerous other organizations. One individual familiar with project noted that it flourished because Marion cut through bureaucracy and indecision that usually accompany decisions involving large numbers of people; she simply raised money and did work herself, with help of a few other people. Marion managed project finances, as well as packaging and shipment of many tons of literature. Marion was a person of strong views and convictions concerning professional matters, politics, and many other subjects. She was a member of American Civil Liberties Union and also supported humanitarian programs in Lawrence community. She made her views known and it was clear where

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