
Florin Faje (15.10.1984-15.01.2020) passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35 leaving behind a devastated family and a mourning academic community. His contributions to the anthropology of sport, ethno-nationalism in relation with class divides, state-formation and social history in Central and Eastern Europe remain truly remarkable proofs of an insightful and prolific anthropological spirit. His classes on economic and cultural anthropology, and his critical reading of development and globalisation studies kept generations of students at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj engaged and motivated to widen their knowledge. His PhD thesis in Sociology and Social Anthropology, "Playing to Win, Learning to Lose. Sport, Nation and State in Interwar Romania", defended in 2014 with Magna cum Laudae at the Central European University - Budapest is awaiting publication.


  • Florin Faje (15.10.1984-15.01.2020) passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35 leaving behind a devastated family and a mourning academic community

  • În calitate de membru al Centrului Interdisciplinar pentru Știința Datelor al Universității Babeș-Bolyai a participat la mai multe proiecte de cercetare contractate

  • Și-a continuat studiile de masterat și doctorat la Central European University (CEU), menținând însă legătura cu alma mater atât pentru cercetările proprii, cât și pentru dobândirea de experiență didactică prin implicări ocazionale în munca cu studenții

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Florin Faje (15.10.1984-15.01.2020) passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35 leaving behind a devastated family and a mourning academic community. His contributions to the anthropology of sport, ethno-nationalism in relation with class divides, state-formation and social history in Central and Eastern Europe remain truly remarkable proofs of an insightful and prolific anthropological spirit.

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