
Recently many researchers investigated intergroup attitudes among children, but only few studies analyzed developmental pathways of in-group favouritism and out-group derogation in considerable samples across broad age ranges. The present study aims at examining age-related differences in in-group favouritism and out-group derogation towards national groups among Italian children. Six hundred-seven children (305 males, 302 females), aged 6–12 living in Italy, were asked to answer an individual interview, making various evaluations of the national in-group and of 2 salient national out-groups (German and English). For research purposes 3 measures were used: number of positive traits applied to own and other national groups; number of negative traits applied to own and other national groups; and affect towards own and other national groups. Data analysis indicated that: (a) the effects of in-group favouritism are noticeable from the age of 6years and persist through time; and (b) out-group derogation is a limited phenomenon that becomes slightly more evident at older ages with reference to the German group, in general negatively perceived among Italian children. These results are discussed in relation to the framework of Social Identity Development Theory.

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