
The Organic Law 3/2007, dated 22nd of March, for the effective equality between women and men (LOI, Ley Organica de Igualdad) provided by the directive 2002/73/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council on gender equality, dated 23rd of September 2002, forces public authorities to guarantee mainstream incorporation of the gender perspective in public policies and to preserve the acknowledgement of the role of women in cultural, historical and economical fields, responding to this national equality policy in Spain. Hence the Spanish Higher education institutions’ regulation (Law 6/2001, dated 21st of December, about Universities, (B.O.E., Boletin Oficial del Estado 24/12/2001), modified by the Organic Law 4/2007, dated 12th of April, (B.O.E. 13/04/2007), considers the creation of Equality Bodies (12th additional provision). In this communication, we present a general overview of how the European Community and Spanish universities apply this principle of equality by means of different supporting bodies, units, commissions and observatories, as well as the foreseen actions. All of this, to understand the intentions, decisions, objectives and adopted measures by the public authorities regarding gender equality.

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