
Resumo Este artigo inspira-se nos resultados de uma pesquisa de tipo etnográfico sobre indisciplina e violência no espaço escolar, realizada em uma escola pública da rede municipal paulistana.2 Trata-se de um estudo de caso em que nos propusemos a examinar as formas encontradas pela escola, nos dias atuais, para lidar com esses fenômenos, os quais têm se tornado objeto frequente de queixas escolares e adquirido relativo destaque nas pesquisas e publicações da área. O objetivo foi identificar os fatores capazes de produzir a disciplina e minimizar a violência, bem como obter mais clareza sobre os processos por meio dos quais essa ordem pode ser produzida. Inventariamos as ações e intervenções pedagógicas que propiciaram a transformação de uma instituição que se caracterizava por altos índices de violência e de indisciplina em uma escola que, em um período de cinco anos, passou a ser considerada pela comunidade escolar como de alto prestígio. A atenção às necessidades dos diferentes segmentos escolares, o trabalho coletivo e solidário, a organização curricular e o apoio aos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem contribuíram para que as desigualdades sociais não se convertessem em desvantagens escolares. Os resultados da investigação são acompanhados de reflexões teóricas, que procuram traduzir o que conseguimos captar no estudo em termos mais abrangentes.


  • This article draws on the results of an ethnographic study on indiscipline and violence in schools, conducted in a public school of São Paulo municipal system.2 This case study examines how the school dealt with these phenomena, which have become the frequent object of school complaints and acquired relative prominence in research and publications of the field

  • The themes of indiscipline and school violence have become increasingly important in Brazil, a phenomenon seen since the late 1980s in the academic sphere, when the production of theses and dissertations grew exponentially

  • Despite the literature pointing to the construction of indiscipline and violence as particular phenomena with specific semantics – which ensures their singularities, in the discursive field these phenomena continue being treated as interconnected problems, as can be seen in a report coordinated by Ferraz and produced by Sindicato dos Professores do Ensino Oficial do Estado de São Paulo (Apeoesp [Union of Sao Paulo State Teachers]) and by Departamento Intersindical de Estatística e Estudos Socioeconômicos (Dieese [Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies]) on school violence

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Presumed determinants of indiscipline and violence

The research this article draws on did not aim to identify the causes of these two phenomena (SILVA NETO, 2011), in the light of the studies used, it became inevitable to distinguish some of their possible determinants. The imposition of school culture on the whole population by massive schooling is often traumatic and violent, especially because the institution tends to ignore and distance itself much from the social experiences of students and their families Intercultural studies, such as those conducted by Candau (1999), have provided in-depth reflection from this perspective. The school does not see the youth as an object of study, which makes it relegate youth to the stigma of difficult, justifying the preaching of a school crisis that derives from the conflicts between its protagonists (AQUINO, 2011) Another quite widespread perspective has to do with gender socialization that affects behavior and influences success or failure in school, especially that of boys. Students and parents hold a smaller share of this power

Research design
Agreements and Parent Council
Carrying out the educational project
Small incidence of acts of indiscipline and violence
Final thoughts
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Paper version not known

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