
<h3>To the Editor:—</h3> In the first paragraph, Dr. Snodgrass suggests that the article "Back Strain and Sciatica" is a "hasty and unwarranted attack." My work was not hasty nor do I think in the light of what has transpired since, an illegal attack on the iliotibial band and fascia lata. The fascia lata has been used for many years as suture material in repair of anatomic difficulties; large sheets of fascia have been employed to repair tissue elsewhere; it has a widespread use in arthroplasty of joints. Dr. Robert Soutter published the description of an operation many years ago for the relief of hip joint contracture which included division of the iliotibial band and many of his colleagues all over the country, including myself, have performed this operation without any untoward results of function of the hip joint. The same operation

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