
In many states, recreational cannabis is now legal. But people have no idea how to use it, in many cases, and the “budtenders” who are the salesclerks are not the best places to get advice. There is some evidence that it is not as harmful as alcohol. Anyway, in the interest of providing a useful guide from one of the best experts in the country, whose credentials include being a medical doctor, a cannabis use expert, a former opioid addict and a published author, we are sharing a blog post from Peter Grinspoon, M.D., whose wellness coaching includes tips on using cannabis (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/health‐coaching‐is‐effective‐should‐you‐try‐it‐2020040819444). Physicians in many states may well benefit from his advice. We know people who have been trying to quit using alcohol, are interested in trying cannabis instead and have been told unconditionally by their doctors not to. This may be good personal information, but if it's based on lack of education and information, we don't think so. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has information on maximum safe doses of alcohol. Wouldn't it be interesting if, along with making cannabis legal, someone without a vested interest told consumers how to use it?

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