
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a common and severe knee injury in sports. Knee flexion, abduction and internal rotation angles are considered crucial biomechanical indicators of the ACL injury risk but currently are computed in a laboratory with an optical motion capture. This paper introduces an inertial measurement unit (IMU) based algorithm for knee flexion, abduction and internal rotation estimation during ACL injury risk assessment tests, including drop landing and cutting tasks. This algorithm includes a special two-step complementary-based orientation filter and a special single-pose sensor-to-segment calibration procedure. Fourteen healthy subjects performed double-leg, single-leg drop landing and cutting tasks. Each subject wore four IMUs and reflective marker clusters on their thighs and shanks. For the presented knee angles algorithm with an empirical initial segment orientation, the root mean square errors (RMSEs) of the estimated continuous knee flexion, abduction and internal rotation cross all the movement tasks were 1.07°, 2.87° and 2.64°, and RMSEs of the peak knee flexion and peak knee abduction errors were 1.22° and 3.82°. The knee angles algorithm was capable of estimating knee abduction and internal rotation angles during drop landing and cutting tasks, and knee flexion estimation was substantially more accurate than previously reported approaches. Additionally, we found that for the presented algorithm, the accuracy of initial segment orientation was a critical factor for knee abduction and internal rotation estimations. The presented IMU-based knee angles algorithm could serve as a foundation to enable in-field biomechanical ACL injury risk assessment.

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