
Mixed valent manganese ions play an important role in the magnetoresistance of LaMnO3-based systems. We consider a Mn impurity with the Mn4+ represented by a spin S=3/2 (three localized 3d-t2g electrons) and the Mn3+ configuration having an additional localized 3d-eg electron to form a total spin (S+1/2). The eg electron hybridizes with conduction electrons (representing the crystal), giving rise to a quadrupolar Kondo effect. The formation of the quadrupolar singlet interferes with the usual spin Kondo effect. Using the noncrossing diagram approximation, we calculate the ground state energy, valence, charge susceptibility, and the quadrupolar susceptibility as a function of the energy of the eg level for H→0 and compare it to results for H=0 and the ferromagnetic lattice. Both, the charge and quadrupolar susceptibilities, are larger in the spin-polarized limit, indicating that this state is more favorable for charge order and lattice distortions.

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