
Impulsivity is related to a number of addictive behaviours, including drug and alcohol use. Individual differences in impulsivity may explain why some people are able to stick to long-term health goals whilst others are susceptible to temptation. In the modern food environment with an abundance of widely available tempting foods the ability to self-regulate is critical for successful control of eating behaviour. In this study, the relationship between the ability to delay gratification and eating behaviour is explored using a delay-discounting task. This task has been shown to demonstrate the extent to which individuals can inhibit immediate reward in pursuit of more adaptive delayed goals. Male and female participants were tested on a monetary delay-discounting task and a trail making task (measure of executive function) and completed a number of self-report measures of eating behaviour (Power of Food Scale, Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, Yale Food Addiction Scale) and impulsivity (BIS-11). Height, weight and dieting history were also recorded to get an accurate measure of BMI and current dieting status. Based on previous findings reported by Applehans et al. (2011; Obesity, 19, 2175–2182) we suggest that impulsivity and performance on the delay discounting task will predict eating style and we will explore the relationship between the ability to delay gratification and BMI. The results will be discussed in the context of the role of top-down processes in the cognitive control of eating.

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