
During heteromodal extraneous stimulation (ES), a large part of responding neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus (RN) exhibit selectivity by responding with excitation to the stimulation of only one type of sensory input. To visual ES, 12 of 32 tested neurons responded; and 4 of 21 tested neurons responded to auditory ES. Response of neurons to ES diminished during the process of habituation to these stimuli; and after habituation was completed, the number of neurons responsive to the ES also diminished. Use of ES led to disappearance of high-frequency, grouped discharges in the responses of the RN neurons. Initial responses to ES and to the following conditioning stimulus (CS) appeared during external inhibition of the conditioned reflex (CR), but the later components of impulse responses that ordinarily accompany realized CR were suppressed in nearly one half of the studied neurons. We reach the conclusion that RN neurons participate in external inhibition of CR and in habituation to ES.

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