
Recommendation Systems play a crucial role in improving the business strategies and providing the customers or users with the choice to opt for a product or service. Given the growth and power of information analytics tools and inclination of data mining techniques, a wide range of recommender systems particularly for the web based users have been evolved over the decade. The conventional “One model – Fit for all” model fails in most of the cases due to the common fact that not all users have same interests and have paved way for tailor made recommender systems. It is hence highly important to provide a personalized framework which can accumulate specific interests of the users. Web data are normally highly sparse in nature and formulating a personalized user profile was a difficult task. The previous methods used user based CF method to address the former issue while Extended Jaccard Similarity (EJS) was introduced to address the latter. Although these methods found to be effective, there were scopes for improvement in the Query processing time and accuracy. To solve this problem the proposed system design an Enhanced DBSCAN and TSVM based hybrid recommendation scheme.

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