
Mindful organizing is a team-level capability that allows teams in high-risk environments to anticipate when something can potentially go wrong and adapt their operations just in time to protect the organizational system from negative consequences. This study aimed to extend our understanding of how mindful organizing affects employees’ propensity to engage in a broad range of safety citizenship behaviours through the mediation of participative safety self-efficacy. Participative safety self-efficacy is a psychological state that enables individuals to have confidence in their capability to engage in constructive behaviours that go beyond the formal requirements of their job description. A multilevel mediation model was tested using data collected from a large sample of chemical workers (N = 443) operating in fifty work teams. The findings showed that mindful organizing on a team level fosters both individual safety citizenship (helping; voice; initiative) and prescribed safety compliance through enhancing individual participative self-efficacy. This mediation relationship is significantly stronger for safety citizenship than for safety compliance.

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