
Workflows are a popular means of automating processes in many domains, ranging from high-level business process modeling to lower-level web service orchestration. However, state-of-the-art workflow languages offer a limited set of modularization mechanisms. This results in monolithic workflow specifications, in which different concerns are scattered across the workflow and tangled with one another. This hinders the design, evolution, and reusability of workflows expressed in these languages. We address this problem through the Unify framework. This framework enables uniform modularization of workflows by supporting the specification of all workflow concerns – including crosscutting ones – in isolation of each other. These independently specified workflow concerns are connected to each other using workflow-specific connectors. In order to further facilitate the development of workflows, we enable the definition of concern-specific languages (CSLs) on top of the Unify framework. A CSL facilitates the expression of a family of workflow concerns by offering abstractions that map well to the concerns' domain. Thus, domain experts can add concerns to a workflow using concern-specific language constructs. We exemplify the specification of a workflow in Unify, and show the definition and application of two concern-specific languages built on top of Unify.

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